We all know I'm a fan of sauces, and my favorite foods usually consist of things I can eat with a variety of sauce: chic-fil-a chicken nuggets, macaroni & cheese, nachos, and ALL asian food. I LOVE sriracha sauce, soy sauce, peanut sauce, sweet chili sauce, chili paste, curry.... so anything that I can consists of these flavors I adore. My favorite thing Thomas makes, and he makes a lot of great things, is his chicken curry soup. He adds all types of delicious flavors- ginger, lime, onion, soy, sesame, chili, sriacha, etc. I posted a pic of his yellow curry soup and his red curry soup- both amazing. I'll have him add the recipe on here later. Any time I don't feel good (like last week when I had a cold,) had a bad day, or just ask sweetly (this weekend,) he gladly makes it. It is my ultimate comfort food. Such a sweet husband.
red curry with chicken |
yellow curry with pork |
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