At 23 weeks I am feeling very pregnant! I make a weird "umph" sound when I get up from the floor when teaching or tying my shoes or when I have to bend over. My bigger non-maternity clothes no longer fit. My appetite is quite large, though I have finally gotten over my crazy sweet tooth (though don't ask me to turn away a cupcake.) This is me maternity clothes shopping Tulsa to try to expand my currant rotation of a wardrobe.
My favorite thing about pregnancy has been feeling our baby move around, which has been constant lately! I started feeling it for a few days at 15 weeks, but then felt nothing for 3 more weeks after. Starting at about 18 or 19 weeks I started feeling the occasional flutter. But now, at 23 weeks, it is ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it is a hard kick, and sometimes I just feel like the baby is rolling around. It is so cool, and I really love when both Thomas and I can feel it. The first time he felt our baby was when we were praying for the babe, as we do when we are lying in bed at night. His hand was on my belly and in the middle of the prayer we felt a huge one. Our eyes flew open and we simultaneously said "did you feel that?" It makes the whole thing so real. The babe is showing off his/her skills in the below ultrasound. We call this the acrobat pic because the baby is literally folded in half, with feet above head. This was at 21 weeks.
This has nothing to do with baby, but Thomas and I used our new kitchen "toys" this week. Thomas used his mandolin and fryer to make these amAzing rosemary parmesan french fries, and I used my new juicer for the first time to make juice! I asked my friend that makes juice all the time, Maggie, for her favorite combination.
This is pear, carrot, pineapple, and lime juice. It was so good!
That bump is adorable!!! I love "his" profile pic, too! Yes, I'm guessing BOY!